Eat Words 食字 (Jan-May 2022)

Illustration 插畫
Typography 字體
Packaging Design 包裝設計
Product Design 產品設計

A set of activities for English speakers to learn the Cantonese and Korean language, before their food arrives to their table.

給只會說英語的人一系列在餐廳玩的桌面小遊戲, 食物到達餐檯之前學會廣東話及韓文.

Product Inclusions

1. Colouring Sheets 填色紙

Choosing 1 of 3, users can colour in the hybrid objects made by a combination of what the same object looks like in England, Hong Kong and Korea. Learn to write the words in the language by following the grey lines.  

用家可按照自己的喜好三選一款填色紙, 填滿紙上三樣為英國, 香港及韓國的合體物件. 同時可照著灰色線, 學練各語言物件的名稱. 

2. "Lost in Translation" cards 成語卡

Players would learn the idioms from it's humourous literal translations and imagery from the bigger set of cards, and test their knowledge by matching the smaller cards into pairs.

玩家可閱卡面的翻譯猜測成語的意思,翻轉卡背了解成語的真實解釋. 然後用小卡配對出正確的圖畫及意思.

3. "Party for Three" menu "三的派對"餐牌 

Using the transparent language pieces, players can learn about words that sound and mean the same in all three languages, by matching the letter forms.

玩家仔細留意透明語言卡上字體的圖形, 評出用三國語言一樣意思及發聲的食物名組成的餐牌.

4. "Takeaway" discount cards "打包拎走"折扣卡 

"You must have had Cantonese Takeaway food before, but what Cantonese did you Takeaway from it?" - A challenge for the players to apply their new knowledge for a discount on their meal. Answers for the prompts can be found in the activites.

"大家一定試過打包拎走廣東式食物, 但有拎走的廣東話有多小呢?" 玩家可以挑戰自己, 成功向餐廳的員工實用新學到的語言, 能在結帳時獲驚喜折扣. 折扣卡上所問的都必會在小遊戲裡找到.

5. Window Sticker for Restaraunt 門面貼紙 

Every kit comes with a sticker for restaraunts intended to be on their store front, to attract those who are walking by to come in and participate in the activities.

跟隨每盒送一張門面貼紙, 給餐廳貼在門口, 吸引更多路過的顧客入舖光顧.

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