Apeach x Vita
(Jun 2022)

Illustration 插畫
Packaging Design 包裝設計
Using the PeachFiv characters from Kakao Friends, a group of popular animated mascots from Korea, combing it with the iconic Vita Lemon Tea design from Hong Kong. The cute and kitshcy design bringing out small happiness in every day life.

將韓國人氣卡通人物 Kaokao Friends 系列中的 PeachFiv 組合融合與維他檸檬茶的經典設計, 可愛的畫風給香港人的日常生活中帶出小樂趣.

The packaging design displays the cheeky and mischevious characteristics of the PeachFiv characters, using the back as a charming focal point.

包裝設計特顯 PeachFiv 五位角色淘氣及狡猾的性格, 重點 Apeach 背面似屁股的插畫. 設計中並標註各角的名稱, 希望大眾對 PeachFiv 較新的成員有更深的印象.

LOONAverse x Penguin Books (Dec 2021)

Branding 品牌設計
A advertisement campaign for Penguin in collaboration with K-pop group LOONA, making use of the apperance of Penguin books as refrences of their well-established lore in LOONA’s music videos. Lending LOONA’s voice to promote Penguin books to be an unmissabe part of pop culture.

Penguin 出版及韓國女團 LOONA本月少女合作所設計的廣告, 目的為 Penguin 書本打做成為年輕人主流文化中不可缺小的一部份. 當中使用本月少女在歷年來MV中提及宏大的世界觀或 Penguin 書籍的畫面.

Screenshots of Aphrodite Means Death from Heart Attack MV (2017), using song lyrics as well as Penguin animal logo to resonate a bigger connection between the two brands and fans.

圖中Aphrodite Means Death出現在2017年的Heart Attack MV, 加上歌詞及企鵝標誌為及品牌, 藝人和粉絲更大的聯繫.

Refrence to East of Eden in the group’s release of Paint The Town in 2021, ”We ain’t gotta East of Eden so keep it”, as well as using fruit imagery of LOONA’s subunit yyxy whos lore is based on the Garden of Eden.

This design focuses on the creation of the LOONAverse, heavily linked to an extract of “The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”, uses a wide variation of crucial icons and colours in LOONA’s lore.

設計中重點世界觀的創立, 由官方承應與 "The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” 其中提取的句子有聯繫, 用到世界觀中廣泛的關鍵畫面及顏色.

Take a look at all the fun designs I’ve created!

Let’s work together!
