Men Explain Things To Me (Jan 2021)
Motion Graphics 動態圖形
Animation 動畫
Motion Graphics 動態圖形
Animation 動畫
A short stop-motion animation based on text from “Men Explain Things To Me” by Rebecca Solnit. Voiceover and graphics collaborated with Livia Hunt, Arts University Bournemouth Graphic Design graduate.
以美國作家Rebecca Solnit的書本 “Men Explain Things To Me”為基礎的動畫短片, 與同屆畢業生Livia Hunt合作.
以美國作家Rebecca Solnit的書本 “Men Explain Things To Me”為基礎的動畫短片, 與同屆畢業生Livia Hunt合作.
Take a look at all the fun designs I’ve created!