"Murder Most Unladylike” (Jan-Mar 2022)
Book Cover Design 書籍封面設計
Typography 字體
Book Cover Design 書籍封面設計
Typography 字體
Penguin Cover Design Award 2022 entry for Children’s catergory
英國出版社 Penguin 書籍封面設計獎2022 - 兒童類別 參賽作品
英國出版社 Penguin 書籍封面設計獎2022 - 兒童類別 參賽作品

Heavily focusing on the murder mystery theme, a mysterious and ominous design was created to reflect the contents of the book, straying away from cliché children’s book designs. As this is the first book in an ongoing series, the blue highlights were kept from the original cover design to indicate so.
用謀殺懸疑作為主題, 創作出具有神祕感及使人不祥感的設計. 設計同時反映出書中的內容, 亦走出一般市面上兒童書籍的一貫作風. 因本書籍為其系列首篇, 所以保留著原作的藍色焦點, 以示為系列的一部分.
Take a look at all the fun designs I’ve created!