“Seven Sinners”(Dec 2021)
Illustration 插畫
Illustration 插畫
Working in collaboration with Yvette Chan, University of Warwick Creative Writing graduate, an ensemble of illustrations created for her Final Major Project.

The illustrations focus on each of the characters’ weapons as narrated in the poems, using a selection of phrases that were chosen from the poem as focal points. XII for example, taken into consideration the poet took inspiration from the Hanged Man tarot card and that the poem could be read in reverse, the weapon of choice was to represent the hidden meaning behind the writing.
這系列為每一首詩中人物所持的武器為主, 而每一幅插畫使用到詩歌中的重點元素. XII為例, 因考慮到作者寫作時用塔羅牌中的懸吊者作靈感及刻意讓讀者能夠相反方向觀賞作品, 所選的武器都表達作品背後意味著的故事.
這系列為每一首詩中人物所持的武器為主, 而每一幅插畫使用到詩歌中的重點元素. XII為例, 因考慮到作者寫作時用塔羅牌中的懸吊者作靈感及刻意讓讀者能夠相反方向觀賞作品, 所選的武器都表達作品背後意味著的故事.

Take a look at all the fun designs I’ve created!